Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Short Avenue Literacy Night, March 1st

Great opportunity to support Short Avenue's new Wonder of Reading library. More information here.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thoughts on curriculum from an active parent

I wanted to pass along this New York Times Op-Ed that really backs up my belief (and the belief of sooo many of the parents who are leaving LAUSD in droves for charters and other alternatives) that Open Court is not a good way to teach!!! And "teaching to the test" - as many teachers at neighborhood schools that I've visited are required to do- does not build critical, intuitive, curious learners! We should be giving our teachers time to develop critical thinking skills and spending long chunks of the day telling interactive stories with children, not wasting all our time blending and doing worksheets. UGH.

I hope this New York Times op-ed and is meaningful to you as we move forward and make serious changes to curriculum and create an early education program that is developmentally appropriate for all children.

Thanks again for your time.

Erika Ross, Friends of Short Avenue
"The Arts are not elective!"